Friday, November 25, 2011


I enjoy this time of year for many reasons, but one of those reasons is because it is a time to GIVE. When out shopping you will see the Salvation Army bell ringers or drop locations for Toys For Tots which gives people the opportunity to be extra generous by supporting those less fortunate. It is also a time to look back at the year to observe how blessed you have been and how you can use those blessings to bless others.

David & Amy Tripple have been selected by Athletes In Action to begin serving at Texas Tech University in 2012. Their vision is to see a Christ follower on every team in every sport. Knowing the Tripples well from our time in Austin I know that God is going to use them in an awesome way. If you would like to learn more about the Tripples and this new ministry venture please CLICK HERE to find out how you can become partners with them.

1 comment:

The Unleavened said...

What a great ministry! Christian athletes have great potential for great leadership.