Monday, August 12, 2013

My Favorite Quotes From Day 1 - Global Leadership Summit

  1. "You don't have to be a pastor to make a difference. You can make a difference where you are." -
  2. "You can have ideas but you have to take action." -
  3. "Stop playing defensively and start playing offensively." -
  4. "When I hear the word NO, I just think 'Next Opportunity'" -
  5. "Hire great people and let them do their job. Manage from a descent arm's length." -
  6. "Dream big but make responsible decisions." -
  7. "Figure out a way to leverage what you are good at, lead where you are, and make a difference with what you do."
  8. "Choose your companions before you choose your road."
  9. "Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." - 1 John 3:18
  10. "Leadership is more than giving people pointers." -
  11. "If you want to lead strong in your communities say YES!" -
  12. "An insecure leader holds onto their title; a secure leader will pick up a towel and wash the feet of others." -
  13. "Don't let the great things of leadership distract you from the God things of leadership." -
  14. "It's not about greatness, it's about serving others." -
  15. "What if you addressed people in the form of questions, and let them find the answers?" -
  16. "Use your intelligence to amplify, to magnify the capability of the people around you." -
  17. "We cannot be Christ-like leaders without knowing the people who work with us."
  18. "We have to constantly remind people why their job matters." -
  19. "We are called to love the people that work for us." -
  20. "Good people don't leave jobs where they are known." -
  21. "Nobody wants to be anonymous."
  22. "First sign of a miserable job? Anonymity." -
  23. "Leaders are people who solve problems." - Colin Powell
  24. "Promote people based on their potential, not their present performance." - Colin Powell
  25. "Get mad and then get over it." - Gen Colin Powell
  26. "People look to leaders to solve problems." - Colin Powell
  27. "Do the best you can with the opportunity you have." - Gen Colin Powell
  28. "A great leader has a vision and a sense of purpose." - Colin Powell
  29. "If you want to be a great leader, take care of your troops." - Colin Powell
  30. "Leadership is about investing in the people who get the work done." - Gen Colin Powell
  31. "You have to give people what they need to get their job done." - Colin Powell
  32. "There is no such thing as an unimportant person in an organization." - Colin Powell
  33. "Leaders inspire people to reach beyond themselves." - Gen Colin Powell
  34. Fun Fact: There are over 6,000 churches represented at The Global Leadership Summit in the US.
  35. "If there was ever a time in human history that was crying out for courageous leadership, the time is now." -
  36. "Some of the most rewarding experiences in a leader's marathon are reserved for quite late in the race." -
  37. "People join organizations, they leave managers." -
  38. "Leaders must have the courage to build a fantastic culture." -
  39. Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
  40. "An essential part of leadership is to define reality." -
  41. "Vision is a picture of the future that creates passion in people." -
  42. "Everybody wins when a leader gets better." -

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